Is it legal for me to trap a raccoon?
There are species that can ‘visit’ any households or somewhere in rural Miami communities. From deer, fox to raccoon –
these are wildlife animals that can have endless cycle in the urban Florida cities. Residential buildings have long been
known to be intruded by raccoons that now people are trying to get rid of them by using many methods from throwing
them out to killing them using traps. The latter has become a great concern for the wildlife activists.
They get worried if the popular Florida trapping and killing is done regularly, there will be a possibility of the wild animals to disappear,
extinct from our world. Trapping these animals also mean destroying their presence. However, the problem is that their presence cause
threats and harms to human’s health and even life.
However, many states have come with trapping restrictions. Hence, the communities are allowed to trap but up to a certain limit
and a certain usage of trapping methods. In most states, there are laws when trapping wildlife.
In California, the law states that furbearing mammals can be trapped when they damage your property, however, there are regulations
on doing so. When these wildlife injure crops, they can also be killed or taken. However, when animals are accidentally trapped, they must be released.
Here is an excerpt of California laws on trapping raccoons
§465.5 (g)(1). Immediate Dispatch or Release. All furbearing and nongame mammals that are legal to trap must be immediately killed or released.
Unless released, trapped animals shall be killed by shooting where local ordinances, landowners, and safety permit. This regulation does not prohibit
employees of federal, state, or local government from using chemical euthanasia to dispatch trapped animals.
The code regulation also states that trapping mammals is illegal.
§465.5 (f)(1). Trap Number Requirement. Any person who traps furbearing mammals or nongame mammals shall obtain a trap number issued by
and registered with the department. All traps, before being put into use, shall bear only the current registered trap number or numbers
of the person using, or in possession of those traps. This number shall be stamped clearly on the trap or on a metal tag attached to the
chain of the trap or to any part of the trap.
§465.5 (g)(3). Trap Placement Requirement. Traps may not be set within 150 yards of any structure used as a permanent or temporary residence,
unless such traps are set by a person controlling such property or by a person who has and is carrying with him written consent of the landowner
to so place the trap or traps.
It is inappropriate to trap without using a registered trapping system approved by the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Property
owners who intend to trap raccoons at their backyards must also adhere to these rules and regulations. They must clarify the identification
number before doing anything to trap the mammals.
To learn more about our services, visit the Miami wildlife removal home page.